Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Ski class

There is a ski resort about an hour or so away from us, and I found a class for LMS that includes lessons and equipment for her and lift tickets and equipment rentals for me, all for a very reasonable price. Last week was her first lesson, and while I didn't get on skis myself, I will this week. It's marketed to parents of preschoolers, but the age limit is 3-6, so if she likes it, we can do a repeat next year. Making the deal even better is that there were two kids and two teachers for her class- can't beat a one-to-one ratio!

Riding the magic carpet to the top of the bunny slope- so much easier to use than the old rope tows that jerk your arms out of their sockets.

Skiing down the slope.

Taking a break to build a snowman.

Letting the snowman try out her skis.

LMS had lots of fun and can't wait for her next class!